虚拟货币 开源_开源货币
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虚拟货币 开源

Based on anecdotal data I can safely say that most people view “Open Source” as roughly synonymous with “Free” (as in beer). And in an impressive number of cases, that’s actually true. Many (maybe even most) open source developers are happy to give the fruits of their labour away for no cost at all.

基于轶事数据,我可以肯定地说,大多数人认为“开源”大致上是“免费”的同义词(例如啤酒)。 在很多情况下,这确实是事实。 许多(也许甚至是大多数)开源开发人员很乐意免费提供他们的劳动成果。

This raises an interesting question: how are open source developers rewarded for their time and effort? These developers, many of whom are quite highly paid in their day jobs, must surely be receiving some kind of compensation, even if it isn’t monetary. So what is it?

这就提出了一个有趣的问题:开源开发人员如何为他们的时间和精力而获得回报? 这些开发商,其中许多人的日常工作收入很高,即使他们不是金钱,他们也一定会得到某种补偿。 那是什么

Whether you’re trying to find a way to show your appreciation to a developer who helped you out, or you’re just interested in knowing why these people spend so much of their time working for ostensibly no money, let this be your guide to the mysteries of open source currency.


可能只有……三个? (There Can Be Only…Three?)

In my experience there are roughly three different ways open source developers get compensated for their work. I’ll tackle these in turn, in increasing order of importance.

根据我的经验,开源开发人员大致可以通过三种方式获得报酬。 我将按重要性顺序依次解决这些问题。

数字一:钱 (Number 1: Money)

“What? But I thought you said that open source was free?” I hear you exclaim. No, you said that. I said that you thought open source was free.

“什么? 但是我以为你说开源是免费的?” 我听到你惊呼。 不,你这么说。 我说过您以为开源是免费的。

In fact, many developers make some (emphasis on some) money from their open source work, and a number make genuinely decent money. They do this in a few different ways.

实际上,许多开发人员从他们的开源工作中赚了一些(强调一些)钱,并且有许多人确实赚了很多钱。 他们以几种不同的方式执行此操作。

Firstly, lots of projects gratefully accept monetary donations. For example, has a donations page. In practice, for larger projects this rarely goes directly towards paying developers (due to the difficulties of fairly assigning such money), but instead pays for vital infrastructure like CI servers, build servers, and web hosting.

首先,许多项目非常感谢接受金钱捐赠。 例如, 拥有一个捐赠页面。 实际上,对于较大的项目,这很少直接用于向开发人员付款(由于难以公平分配此类资金),而是为诸如CI服务器,构建服务器和Web托管之类的重要基础架构付费。

Projects also frequently get donations from companies that are grateful for the project. Some good examples of this are , whose hosting costs are paid by Runscope, and , which has its CI servers provided for free by Rackspace.

项目也经常从对项目表示感谢的公司获得捐款。 最好的例子是 (其托管费用由Runscope支付)和 (其Rackspace免费提供其CI服务器)。

Newer methods of financially remunerating developers have appeared in the last couple of years. The most notable example would have to be the very exciting . Gittip is an unusual company in a number of ways, and I strongly suggest you check them out for that reason if nothing else, but they also provide a uniquely powerful way of financially rewarding developers for their work. Small donations on a weekly basis, in aggregate, become a powerful way of funding work. Some developers, such as , have taken the bold step of giving up on their day jobs entirely, hoping to be funded .

在最近几年中出现了为开发人员提供经济报酬的新方法。 最著名的例子将是非常令人兴奋的 。 Gittip在许多方面都是一家与众不同的公司,因此我强烈建议您出于其他原因将它们检出,如果没有其他原因,那么它们也提供了一种独特的强大方式来奖励开发人员的工作。 总的来说,每周的小额捐款成为一种强大的筹资方式。 一些开发人员,例如 ,已经采取了大胆的步骤,完全放弃了日常工作,希望来资助。

Author’s Note: , and

作者注意: ,并且

The final method of remunerating developers for their open source work is to employ them full time, and allow them to spend a certain proportion of their time doing open source work. This is not entirely uncommon: aside from a few high-profile examples such as Guido van Rossum at Dropbox, companies like Intel employ a number of people who work full-time on the Linux kernel. For most open source developers, this is something they’d love. Employers, bear this in mind: you can improve your attractiveness to open source developers by letting them spend some work time on open source.

奖励开发人员开源工作的最终方法是全职雇用他们,并允许他们将一定比例的时间用于开源工作。 这并不是完全不常见的:除了一些著名的例子(例如Dropbox的Guido van Rossum),像Intel这样的公司还聘用了许多专职在Linux内核上工作的人。 对于大多数开源开发人员来说,这是他们所喜欢的。 雇主要牢记这一点:您可以通过让开放源码开发人员在开放源码上花费一些时间来提高对开放源码开发人员的吸引力。

Interestingly, I’ve found that by and large this is the least important of the three methods of remuneration I’m going to talk about. The main value of the money is not, in fact, the money. Most open source developers are not sitting around trying to get filthy rich: if they are, they tend to have day jobs which will provide that income for them.

有趣的是,我发现总体而言,这是我要谈论的三种薪酬方法中最不重要的。 金钱的主要价值实际上不是金钱。 大多数开源开发人员并非无所事事地试图使肮脏致富:如果有的话,他们往往会从事临时工作,从而为他们提供收入。

The main value of these financial contributions is the fact that it can buy things: specifically, it can buy the most important open source currency. I’ll come back to this.

这些财务捐助的主要价值在于它可以购买东西:特别是,它可以购买最重要的开源货币。 我会回到这个。

2号:感激 (Number 2: Gratitude)

It’s amazing how simple rewarding open source developers can be. The key thing to recall is that all open source developers are fundamentally trying to good in the world. We believe that free (as in speech) software is the best end to which we can put our skill set, and we feel good about doing it. But sometimes we lose sight of this behind the phenomenal weight of our self-imposed responsibilities.

令人惊讶的开源开发人员如此简单。 要记住的关键是,所有开放源代码开发人员从根本上都在尝试改善世界。 我们相信免费(如语音)软件是我们可以运用自己的技能的最好的终点,我们对此感觉很好。 但是有时候,我们忽视了自我承担责任的巨大分量。

For that reason, taking time out of your day to contact a developer and to thank them personally for their work is one of the best ways to do it. This doesn’t need to be a big long essay about how touched you are: just something that is personal enough that the person being thanked feels like effort was put in. This can be a genuine tweet, or an IRC message, or an email. If you meet them in person, shake their hand. If you both like beer, buy them a beer. If you both like coffee, buy them a coffee. Do something nice for them.

因此,抽出时间联系开发人员并亲自感谢他们的工作是最好的方法之一。 这不必是一篇关于您的感动如何长篇大论的文章:只要是足够个人化的东西,以致于被感谢的人就觉得投入了精力。这可以是真实的推文,IRC消息或电子邮件。 。 如果您亲自见面,请与他们握手。 如果你们俩都喜欢啤酒,那就给他们买啤酒。 如果你们俩都喜欢咖啡,那就给他们买一杯咖啡。 为他们做点好事。

I’m not kidding about the power of gratitude, either. One person’s genuine “thank you” can totally turn around an otherwise tremendously shitty day. If you do nothing else in response to this post, go out of your way to thank someone who works on an open source project. Not necessarily the maintainer, either! We all need thanks sometimes.

我也不在开怀谢意的力量。 一个人的真诚“谢谢”完全可以扭转本来非常糟糕的一天。 如果您对这篇文章没有其他React,请尽力感谢从事开源项目的人。 也不一定是维护者! 有时我们都需要感谢。

第三名:时间 (Number 3: Time)

Anyone who has worked in open source for more than a month or two has come to realise the gargantuan value of someone’s time. Each one of us feels as though we’re short of time: we don’t have enough time to balance open source with our day jobs, our family, our friends and our hobbies. So we find ourselves compromising between one or more of these things, accepting that we can’t do all of them as well or as extensively as we’d like.

任何在开源领域工作超过一两个月的人都已经意识到了某人时间的巨大价值。 我们每个人都觉得自己好像时间不多了:我们没有足够的时间来平衡开源与我们的日常工作,我们的家人,我们的朋友和我们的爱好。 因此,我们发现自己在这些事情中的一个或多个之间妥协,接受了我们无法像我们所希望的那样做到全部或全部。

This means that the single biggest gift you can give an open source developer is time: either theirs or yours. This gift can take many forms. You can spend time triaging bugs for them. You can fix bugs for them. You can do something that minimises the time they spend on irrelevant things.

这意味着您可以给开源开发人员最大的礼物就是时间:他们的或您的。 这份礼物可以有多种形式。 您可以花一些时间为它们分类错误。 您可以为他们修复错误。 您可以做一些事情以最大程度地减少他们在无关紧要的事情上花费的时间。

This is what money can buy open source developers: the time they need to get more done. Pay them enough and they can start doing four day weeks at work, and spend the fifth day contributing to open source.

这就是金钱可以购买开源开发人员的时间:他们需要做更多的事情。 付给他们足够的薪水,他们就可以开始每周工作四天,并在第五天为开源做贡献。

For better or worse, time is the scarcest commodity in open source communities.


给礼物 (Give Gifts)


虚拟货币 开源


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